Sunday, March 9, 2014

....More Than Just a Hashtag!

Some would say that "Lucy has been out to lunch!" I just think of it as being Blog Shy! I thought I had better take a quick moment to say, "Hey!" and that everything is ok.  Getting old is a blast, NOT, but other than that, how can I complain.  Birds "tweet" and so does Lucy - well at least she tries anyways.  She is a hashtag loser and she still doesn't get it, but that's ok.  It's not the end of the world, right?  So many other things that need attention.  So many other people that need loving.  So for all of those "twits" out there, I mean "Twitters" (or should I say Tweeters), life is so much bigger than a hashtag, so go out and live it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so confused over the hash browns, I mean hashtags! Just not a clue about those
    Thanks for loving well. Thanks for being a great twit. Oh I mean tweet. Speaking of tweet, I saw a blue bird yesterday. My favorite sign of life after snow!
    love you Lucy,
